Sexual crime conviction in 1999 cancels out 29 years of service to country

Source: 10/7/22

By Captain Charles Munsey . . . Today, October 5, I started out as I routinely do — cup of coffee, morning devotions, a quick breakfast, and then on the road to take care of chores. First, I stopped by my daughter’s home in Rockledge to drop off something for her and converse with her and my grandson for a while. Then I set off for Patrick SFB (Space Force Base) to take care of chores there — pick up prescription meds, get a haircut, and then pick up groceries at the commissary. Very routine, the same as I have been doing for years, since March, 2003 when I first moved to Florida and was placed on the Florida registry.

Today was different, as I was to find out. At the gate my ID card was questioned, so I went over to the visitor’s center to find out what the problem was. It is the same ID card that I have used for years. At the ID card office, I was informed that because I am on the Florida Sex Offender Registry, I no longer have access to the base — after all these years, years during which I was on the registry and welcomed on base. My meds were waiting to be picked up, blood pressure and cholesterol. My primary care provider is Dr. Botardo who is assigned to the Patrick Med Facility. Basically, all of my retired military benefits have now been removed because of my being on the Florida registry.

My offense was in Virginia 24 years ago, eight years after my retirement from the U.S. Navy. I paid my debt to society in Virginia and sold my home in Virginia Beach to move to Florida because of my father’s bad health and my mother needing assistance. Without ever committing an offense in Florida, I was added to the Florida registry. I was transferred to Florida on an interstate compact which allowed me to serve the period of probation in Florida. I was removed from probation 11 years early. I live in a peaceful neighborhood and get along well with my neighbors. I am no longer on the Virginia registry, where my failure took place after my wife’s death.

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To add insult to injury, the Brig Gen in the article is being nominated for Maj Gen by USSF.

Last edited 2 years ago by TS

Florida is probably the worst state to live in if you have a sex offense.
Some of the legislators, politicians, and law enforcement there have the compassion of a crocodile, even leaving people on the registry after they die.
I am so sorry that this has happened to you, Charles, and we all share your pain and anger.
Know also that you are not alone.
I personally experienced the hatred of one of the retired deputy sheriffs who came up here from Florida and I believe he went around telling the neighbors of the girl I was dating at the time that I was on the registry and if I could somehow sue him I would.
One day, and it won’t be soon enough, this will come to an end.
People will always be proud of you for serving the country no matter what is in your past and not everyone is cruel and without compassion like some of those in Florida and other states.
God loves you, Charles, and we do too!!
Take heart, dear friend, we’re all on your side.

Having any kind of “sex offense” is the one thing that will cancel out a veteran’s service to their country. You can can be a convicted murderer, robber, or physically abuse your kids, yet American society would be somewhat forgiving of those things if you did serve your country. But if the government classified you as a sex offender? Forget it. Recently, they convicted a navy seal in southern Wisconsin. He’s doing time for having underage pornography on his computer. Justices, politicians and prosecutors will not give a damn about your service.

Weird. Since the conviction was outside of UCMJ, then one’s benefits cannot be canceled. The registry being the reason why the loss of benefit and access to the base makes no sense.

I made a complaint on here years ago about being denied access to a military base for a job opportunity despite earning a 1203.4, but nothing. Now, the military has moved onto a new system and gave a whole blanket denial for retired military registrants.

First the came me and nothing was done. Then they came for everyone else and here we are.

Top it off if you’re on life time registry your military burial benefits are gone.

just goes o show you how CORRUPT and EVIL he US GOVERNMENT IS !! Almost the same as what has / is happening in IRAN !!

I am wondering if this is an official policy? If it is, this needs to addressed in court. If this is official, this needs to be stopped, or it will spread. No benefits for any PFR.

Social Security?
Who knows?

I am guessing that it is not an official denial of benefits, just base access. However, no base access means many of the benefits this man earned through his service, become closed off. I’m thinking of the PX for example. As retired military, he still has the right to go there and take advantage of the deals. Can’t do that if he can’t get on base. That’s just the tip of the iceberg! What’s next, access to VA hospitals? This could snowball… here’s how.

I am reminded of a trip to the Department of Personal Social Services. The employee that was assisting me, “Had to confirm” that it was “OK” for me to wait in the lobby while I was there. It was, but didn’t keep the Sheriff’s deputy from monitoring me the whole time. Just crossed my legs, instead of being followed into the restroom, as I assumed he would. It could have easily gone the other way, and I would have been denied the benefits I was requesting, without actually being denied the benefits I was requesting. Still allowed to have them, just impossible to get them because I’m not allowed to go to the place I have to go to to get them.

Have to go to the Social Security office to get retirement benefits? Medicare benefits? Disability benefits? Just one time maybe? Oh they won’t take these benefits you have paid for with taxes away…but, too dangerous to have PFRs in the lobby! So, you just don’t get to get the benefits you are still entitled to. Poor you…and me…and the nearly 1 million others…and their families.

No limits really. Not just government benefits either. Who knows how many different kinds of places it may be, “Too dangerous” for PFRs to “loiter” in?

Reminded of that story about hospitals in Tennessee, trying to get a law requiring PFRs to show their, RSO stamped IDs before being seen. To, “Protect nurses from…”. Yes, alas, even nurses are victimized on the job, but is it really just PFRs doing this? Just PFRs??? Really??? So this isn’t just a move to discourage PFRs from getting medical assistance, then maybe even..? Oh, not barring them…just requiring, “Special handling” in a way that is, “Separate” from others, but “Equal”. Yes, separate, but equal. America has a great track record of doing that!!!

The registry was strategically designed to make sure anybody on it, could never function in society and are completely cut off from the world, basically We’re leaving in A virtual jail cell.
Me personally I stop trying to live a normal life in America, long as my name and mugshot is on the registry it’s impossible for me to do anything other then work BUT every good job I get once HR finds out about my change they let me go.
That sucks The state registry has poured over into the military bases who knows what’s next.
Captain Charles committed his crimes 24 years ago and he’s still being punished and suffering for it….

25 years as a paramedic/fire fighter. I saved countless lives, fought fires, rescued people and delivered babies. All of it gone because I downloaded and looked at a “possibly” 17 year old nude. Service and character mean nothing to this country.

This happened to me last year. I went to Luke AFB in Glendale, AZ to go to the commissary to load up on groceries. I had been to this base lots of times over the years after I got off of parole. The gate guard said I had to go to the pass office, there I was informed I was banned from the base due to my being on the registry.
I served 20 years and my conviction was after I Retired. So this is denying me usage of my benefits. I hope the case in California will be decided in favor of the registrant there as it is before the 9th Circuit which encompasses Arizona.